Celery Juice Myths and Facts Finally Revealed

If you do a web search for weight loss recipes, you will find several in which celery is a regular part of the ingredients; no matter if it is in salads, soups, or juices, this vegetable will always be included in the meal plans.

Celery crisp is well known for its low-calorie content, but its health benefits go beyond its use as a dietary food. Celery contains valuable phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals. As a result, it is a convenient on-the-go snack and a vegetable that can be incorporated into cooked dishes, stir-fries, and salads. In addition, unlike some vegetables, celery retains most of its nutrients, even when steamed.

But its consumption presents some challenges, the first of which is its characteristic flavor that not everyone loves. However, eating it in small pieces accompanied by other vegetables with a lighter flavor or fruits with a somewhat sweet taste can facilitate its consumption.

Another option to consume it almost imperceptibly is to incorporate it into a juice. Yes, be aware that drinking fruit juice in the morning can give you the energy you need, but it can hardly be considered a healthy habit, as these types of fluids contain high levels of sugar. That is why if you choose to consume juices, it is best to have a predominance of vegetables in them. But once again, celery has a slight difficulty; it is fibrous, complicating its incorporation into this type of beverage.

If you choose to try to blend the celery to obtain the juice, you will face some complications, starting because it will be necessary to cut the stalks into small pieces, and the smallest ones will be the ones you will have to blend first so that the juice they extract will help the blender when you add the rest.

It is more than likely that you will have to add water during the blending process to help your blender keep running without straining the motor because of the celery fibers. However, be careful not to add too much, or the juice will dissolve too much.

Once you have achieved a homogeneous mixture, you will need to find a container and strain it. It is best to use a vegetable milk bag or if you don’t have one, use a clean cloth. You will have to squeeze hard so that the liquid falls into the container and leaves the fiber on the fabric practically dry.

Yes, it’s true; just by reading the process, you’ve probably stopped wanting to try it, and now your mind is only thinking about buying a coffee. But hey, there’s always an easier way to do things, and with celery juice (fortunately), this rule also applies.

The best juicer for celery is a slow juicer; it gets pure vegetable extracts at maximum yield. During its slow pressing process by crushing, it preserves the nutrients intact and removes some fiber since we cannot irritate our intestine with too much of it. It works by pressing at a slow rate and cold, with minimal friction to not heat the ingredients and therefore does not eliminate their nutrients.

With a Horum extractor, which by the way, is the best juicer for celery, you can extract juice from any fruit, vegetable, and leafy greens, sprouts, and sprouts. Some of them also incorporate accessories for making vegetable milk, nut creams, or seed oils. So you should always have them ready on the kitchen surface to create a healthy and lively juice every day in the easiest way.

With the right tool, it will only take you a few seconds to get pure celery juice. Don’t forget that the ideal amount of celery juice is 450 ml or 16 oz of pure celery juice per day to receive the healing benefits. Increasing consumption to 700 ml or 1 liter per day can be highly beneficial for anyone suffering from symptoms of chronic illness.

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