What Is Reconstructive Or Reconstructive Plastic Surgery?

When one hears about plastic surgery offline or when you visit website, the thought immediately comes to mind about perfect body contours and harmony in the lines of the face. But, despite being mainly associated with aesthetics, this medical specialty goes further and is an important resource to restore uniformity and, in some cases, functionality to some organs.

In these cases, it is called restorative or reconstructive surgery, although it is impossible to define the boundaries between the aesthetic and the reconstructive since both are intertwined. In general, it is possible to say that reconstructive surgery is indicated in cases of accidents, congenital or acquired deformities, and after recovery from some types of cancer.

Thus, a plastic surgeon such as oculofacial surgeon Dr. Ahmad for example specializing in reconstructive or reconstructive surgery works largely, promoting everything from small corrections to major organ reconstructions, always seeking rehabilitation associated with the best aesthetic result. This makes this type of procedure a solution in the following cases:

Congenital Deformities

These are the bodily modifications brought on during pregnancy. Some of these modifications are of genetic origin. Others result from a process of malformation during the development of the fetus. Among the most recurrent cases of congenital deformities that can be reversed through reconstructive surgery are limb malformation, cleft lip, also called cleft lip and palate, and congenital melanocytic nevus – configured by a pigmented lesion on the skin, with a high risk of becoming malignant.

Acquired Deformities

This group includes all changes in limbs or skin that result from trauma, illness, or even a surgical procedure. In these cases, reconstructive plastic surgery can be used as a functional and aesthetic correction, regardless of the affected site.

Below is a list of the main causes of acquired deformities:

  • Accidents: facial fractures and burns are the most common cases;
  • Diseases: skin and breast cancer, as well as large tumors, can lead to the loss of large areas of tissue;
  • Surgical processes: after a standard procedure, the patient may face a pathological scar – the best known is the keloid. This healing defect needs interventions, including reconstructive plastic surgery;
  • Infectious processes: some serious infections can lead to tissue death, causing major changes in the composition and appearance of the affected limb.

For these patients, reconstructive surgery is the way to reconstruct the affected limb. The correction allows for the restoration of self-esteem and the reintegration of these people into society as a result of the well-being they feel about themselves again after the procedure.

Each procedure usually varies according to the type of deformity, origin, extent, patient history, and possible associated diseases. Therefore, for a successful reconstructive surgery, it is extremely important to have the assistance of a specialized professional with vast experience.

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